Daily Language Review

This year your child will be exposed to a DLR. It stands for Daily Language Review. It provides a brief review of skills that have been taught in kindergarten as well as new skills that have been presented this year.

Each night please only do that days section. It MUST come back to school each day. First thing in the morning we will be reviewing it. Initially I will be correcting their work and as the year progresses, the children will be self-correcting their own work using a colored pencil.

Many of the questions will involve editing. If they are editing a sentence, please have your child first make corrections above each sentence and then have them rewrite it correctly on the provided line. The other questions will vary according to the skill.

You will see that this is a wonderful mini-review of all the necessary skills that your child is responsible for learning this year.

Thank you for your assistance!

Mrs. Arico